Dr. Gökay Demir

I am a Postdoc at IZA. You can find my CV here.

My research focuses on labor market frictions and their influence on the effects of labor market institutions and wage inequality.

Email: Demir@iza.org

IZA Page: https://www.iza.org/people/staff/29468/gokay-demir

Google Scholar Site: Here


Articles in Refereed Journals

Labor Market Polarization, Job Tasks, and Monopsony Power (with Ronald Bachmann and Hanna Frings). Journal of Human Resources, 57(S), S11-S49.

Abstract: Using a semistructural approach based on a dynamic monopsony model, we examine to what extent workers performing different job tasks are exposed to different degrees of monopsony power and whether these differences in monopsony power have changed over the last 30 years. We find that workers performing mostly nonroutine cognitive tasks are exposed to a higher degree of monopsony power than workers performing routine or nonroutine manual tasks. Job-specific human capital and nonpecuniary job characteristics are the most likely explanations for this result. We find no evidence that labor market polarization has increased monopsony power over time.

Working Papers

Labor Market Frictions and Spillover Effects from Publicly Announced Sectoral Minimum Wages. [Current Version]

Abstract: This paper analyzes the spillover effects of Germany's first sectoral minimum wage. Using a difference-in-differences estimation, I examine the impact of the public discussion and announcement of the minimum wage on sub-minimum wage workers in related jobs outside the minimum wage sector, defined using employment flows. I find an increase in wages and job-to-job transitions for sub-minimum wage workers in related jobs. The spillover effects are driven by workers who reallocate to better-paying establishments, have low labor market experience, and are more closely connected to the main construction sector by having former coworkers in that sector.

The Role of Within-Occupation Task Changes in Wage Development (with Ronald Bachmann, Colin Green, and Arne Uhlendorff). Ruhr Economic Paper No. 975. 

Abstract: We examine how changes in task content over time condition occupational wage development. Using survey data from Germany, we document substantial heterogeneity in within-occupational changes in task content. Combining this evidence with administrative data on individual employment outcomes over a 25-year period, we find important heterogeneity in wage penalties amongst initially routine intensive jobs. While occupations that remain (relatively) routine intensive generate substantial wage penalties, occupations with a decreasing routine intensity experience stable or even increasing wages. These findings cannot be explained by composition or cohort effects. 

Selected Work in Progress

Student Job Coworker Networks and Labor Market Entry (with Friederike Hertweck, Malte Sandner, and Ipek Yükselen)

Career Blocker (with Simon Trenkle)

Other Publications

RWI, IAW Tübingen and IZA Bonn (2020), Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns auf Löhne und Arbeitszeiten (Effects of the statutory minimum wage on the wage structure and hours worked). Team: R. Bachmann, H. Bonin, B. Boockmann, G. Demir, R. Felder, I. Isphording, R. Kalweit, N. Laub, C. Vonnahme, C. Zimpelmann.

Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS) (Ed.), Kantar, IAB, IAW, IAQ, IZA and RWI (2021), Begleitevaluation der arbeitsmarktpolitischen Integrationsmaßnahmen für Geflüchtete – Schlussbericht. Forschungsbericht 587. BMAS: Berlin.